Giro Vespistico delle Alpi
The 3th Giro Vespistico Delle Alpi has completed last night his first stop in Lugano to the Hotel Vezia.
The beautiful and original Vespe, from 1946 to 2016, have arrived yesterday, greeted by a beautiful sunny afternoon, with summer temperatures. A real pleasure for the participants and an excellent advertisement for the ticino.
The tour vespistico is the hardest rally for vespa of the year, during 6 Days, crossing 4 countries (Austria, Switzerland, France and Italy) and the 94 participants travel more than 2'000 km of alpine roads.
They will continue today direction Münster (CH), we wish all participants good luck! More informations and the itineraries are available on the website:
Actual Score:
- Le Fenomenali: Roberto Caroll, Langenbruck Svizzera, classe 1967 - Vespa GT 1955
- Le Storiche: Kelle Grünewald, München Germania, classe 1976 - Motovespa S125 1959
- Le Sportive: Thomas Mussger, Scladming Austria, classe 1972 - Vespa SS 180 1965
- Le Nuove: Marc Böhm, Rödermark Germania, classe 1967 - Vespa T4 Augsburg 150 1961
Tags: Lugano, Hotel Vezia, Vespe, Giro Vespistico delle Alpi, Rally